Hello fellow Oregonians! Oh, and Idahoans as well! And I guess we have a few BYUtahans in there as well! (Sorry, had to do something different :p)
This week has been, well... not as exciting as I thought! We started out the week awesome! We started meeting with Taylor last week and things were going well, we had another lesson with her on Monday and she was progressing nicely! Then, sickness struck...
I don't know what it is, my companions always have the worst luck, I think it might be me, but Elder Johnson got sick on Tuesday, like really sick. Anyway, he got something crazy, we thought it would go away after a day or two, but no, it did not, so on Friday we called up the mission nurse (I'm starting to feel like a regular) and after describing what was happening with Elder Johnson they had us go to insta-care. So after bloodwork, IV therapy, samples of all sorts of bodily things, they said he couldn't be out in the public for at least the next two days... So we got to spend the past few days cooped up
inside... Not Fun!! I tried to get splits to first off stay with him and then while another split took me out to work, but it was a struggle finding people to do that, plus, I couldn't ask that of anyone on a Sunday, so yesterday, the only time I got to leave the apartment was when the Smith's took me to sacrament meeting to see if Taylor would show up. She did! They showed up to pay tithing! So we had a good chat, set up a lesson for tonight, and then I got to go back to the apartment, and do nothing, until we had a correlation meeting, and then I was back, for the whole rest of the day!
Anyway, so sorry I don't have any super exciting stories everyone, this next week should be good :) I just have faith that the Lord does things for a reason, so I'm just trying to figure out what he wants me
to learn. Oh! Another Elder and I knocked on Elder Stevenson's door on Saturday!
He wasn't home, but maybe we'll try again some other time. Anyway, I love you all, you are in my prayers! Have a great week!
Elder Walker